Pictures of Cold War aircraft.

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I wonder if the guys who flew these things still thought they looked just as cool after some direct experience. The fact he has the canopy open speaks volumes.

They still look very good to my eyes today, I was fascinated with seeing them sitting on the ramp at NAS airstations in the early 1960's. I never did see one fly. But I remember seeing them at San Diego when I was very young, and my father told me that they were considered to be widow makers. I didn't understand at the time that he meant they were very accident prone, and a few years later I understood that, and read that they where under powered, the engines were unreliable, and the very tall nose strut was prone to collapse in normal use.
When I joined the navy I asked one of the older Cheif's about them, and he said he hated working on them, and could only salute the poor SOB's that had to fly them.

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