Pictures of Cold War aircraft. (1 Viewer)

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I spoke with my good friend, author Wolfgang Samuel, about this aircraft. He was a child in Germany during the war, and his father was in the Luftwaffe ( not a pilot). Wolfgang came to the US in his teens, attended college and entered the USAF as an officer. He became a rad/nav crewman and actually flew in this B-47 four times. Wolfgang flew spy missions over USSR early on, and transitioned to the USAF RB-66 during the Vietnam War. He has authored 12 different books on aviators, WWII, cold war, etc., as well as his most prolific book, German Boy, about surviving the war and its aftermath before coming to the US.
I spoke with my good friend, author Wolfgang Samuel, about this aircraft. He was a child in Germany during the war, and his father was in the Luftwaffe ( not a pilot). Wolfgang came to the US in his teens, attended college and entered the USAF as an officer. He became a rad/nav crewman and actually flew in this B-47 four times. Wolfgang flew spy missions over USSR early on, and transitioned to the USAF RB-66 during the Vietnam War. He has authored 12 different books on aviators, WWII, cold war, etc., as well as his most prolific book, German Boy, about surviving the war and its aftermath before coming to the US.

I have read at least one of his books: 'I Always Wanted to Fly. America's Cold War Airmen (2001)'. What can I say? It's a great book!



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