Polish Pilots Take Controls on F-16

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I think, that F16C/D block 52+ would win Eurofighter in fight...
v2 said:
I think, that F16C/D block 52+ would win Eurofighter in fight...

I think not. The Eurofighter is designed mainly to shoot down other fighters, and recent trials seem conclude its rather good at it.

However, who really knows, there's alot of secrecy around these new fighters and their capabilities. (Wouldn't want to reveal to much to your enemies, now would you ? ;) )
v2 said:
I think, that F16C/D block 52+ would win Eurofighter in fight...

Doubt it. The only aircraft out there more advanced than the Eurofighter is the F-22 right now. The Russians have had some designs that probably could do better however they do not have the money to do so.
The development of the Eurofighter started in the 1970s however spending limits slowed down its progress. The F-16 also was a 1970s program it however did not suffer from spending costs. The Eurofighters design however was changed throughout the 1980's and early 1990's until you see what you see today.

Its armour is not much different than that of a F-16 which is light and not much.
Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] announces successful completion of the maiden flight of the first Polish F-16 aircraft. The flight took place in Ft. Worth, Texas, USA and marks a key milestone in the success of the Peace Sky program. The F-16 flown yesterday is part of a 48-aircraft order by the Government of Poland and is planned for delivery to the Polish Air Force later this year.


The pilot for the first flight was Paul Hattendorf, a company test pilot for Lockheed Martin. He performed numerous system checks, including engine throttle transients at various altitudes and radar checks using a photo chase F-16 as a simulated target. Hattendorf also took the aircraft to supersonic speeds and performed high-g maneuvers during the flight, which lasted just over an hour. After several additional check flights by both company and U.S. Air Force test pilots, this first Polish F-16 is scheduled to be ferried to Edwards AFB, Calif., in April for more system-specific testing.


When delivered, Polish F-16s will be the most advanced in NATO. Features of the Block 52+ include an AN/APG-68(V) 9 radar fire control system and a Sniper Extended Range pod, which is an advanced targeting pod designed with an infrared pointer, laser, day TV, forward looking infrared, laser spot tracker and advanced algorithms. The pod delivers superior tracking performance and reliability. Additionally, the multi-role fighter developed for Poland is equipped with a helmet-mounted cueing system used for directing precision guided munitions and off-boresight missiles as well as for increasing pilot situational awareness. The aircraft is designed to be fully interoperable with NATO and European Union missions.


I can think of better looking fighters though, the F-16 is great from a few angles but catch a view of that air intake the wrong way and oh dear.
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
The Russians have had some designs that probably could do better however they do not have the money to do so.
the MiG-35... too bad it was cancelled otherwise they would have a fighter competitive to the F-22, but avionics werent as advanced
On Thursday, 14th of September at 10.30 pm CET, Minister of National Defence Radosław Sikorski flew a multirole fighter F-16 at the American military base Forth Worth in Texas.
The aircraft was piloted by the Lockheed Martin Corporation test pilot – Trey Pennington - former U.S. Marine Corps pilot.
Lasting approximately one hour flight served as an opportunity to familiarize the Minister with performance of the F-16 fighter.
The event gathered wide crowd of journalists, soldiers, LMC employees and other guests who with interest and curiosity observed the flight.
Prior to the occurrence the Minister of National Defence underwent a series of detailed medical examination which confirmed his readiness to enjoy this aerial experience.


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