Poll: Which was the best WWII transport?

Favorite WWII transport?

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The DH 91 Albatross had seating for 22 passengers, a range of 1,040 miles, a cruise speed of 210mph and a top speed of 225mph using 4 x 525hp motors with 2 position props.

It's near contemporary, the DC 3 (first flew a couple years earlier), had seating for 21-32 passengers, cruised at 207mph and had a top speed of 230mph using 2 x 1,100hp motors with constant speed propellers.

So, teh Albatross wasn't too far out in performance for a mid 1930s light passenger transport.
Both the DC-3 and DH 91 Albatross were at least medium if not medium/heavy transports of their time. The US certainly had nothing heavier in commercial service in 1938-39 although designs were in the works.
The British had:

but numbers could be counted on the fingers of one hand most of the time in first year or two.

The Connie first flew in 1943 but introduction was slow (glacial might be a better term) due to problems (same engine as B-29).
Early ones could be pretty zippy as they weighed less loaded than the L-1649 did empty, had 27ft less wingspand and a fuselage about 20ft shorter. Even with 2200hp Engines for take-off they were good for around 330mph depending on altitude.


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