Hi, Aaron. I'm not too far from you, Harlan, Kentucky, here. While I've only recently started building planes, I've been back to modeling now for a couple of years, doing ships until very recently. Doing those, where priming the hulls was pretty much essential since I built full hull and most kits seem to come split hull, I discovered Alclad II primer. Comes in grey, white and black. Airbrush ready and drys very quickly. Lays down a nice primer coat that shows up any defects very well. Just from my personal perspective, whether or not I prime depends on several things: 1) how many "boo-boos" am I trying to hide; 2) now much detail will be lost by multiple coats of paint; 3) how does the fit look unpainted; and, 4) how big a kit am I painting. Using my approach, which may or may not be valid, I'd be more inclined to prime something like a 1/48 B-17 which has a lot of surface area to be painted. Seems to me like that would give you more surface for paint adhesion to be an issue on. For what its worth.