If you are, you shouldn't be.
For all the British people on here, I have to ask if you are proud of this **** HOLE , why !? Sure, the history of this nation is rich and full of victory ... we were the most powerful nation on the planet... but look at us now.
There's scum filling the streets, and there's going to be more foreigners than freakin' British soon. But that doesn't matter because 90% of the British are scumbags anyway living off yours, or your parents tax money. The "Chav" bastards that roam around my town are growing ever larger in number, and this country just accepts it like it's freakin' normal! Yet they cause grief for anyone that doesn't look like a complete ****in' moron, like they do. In five days I've had two incidents of these ****ing idiots starting fights on me ... because I'm a "sweaty" (That's **** FACE slang for a rocker) . Yet nothing gets done, the number grows ... the number grows and my patience slips away. How I would love to see those bastards slaughtered by the hundreds.
What does this country do that should make any Brit proud !? We ****in' sit here like a bunch of pompous twats insulting and abusing every nation on the planet. Well look at yourselves ! Your military is a ****in' shambles. Your government is a crooked piece of ****. Your money goes to waste on all sorts of bollocks. You appease every other ****er in the world. The country doesn't look after you, but it charges you for living here with some of the highest tax rates on the planet.
What makes America so bad!? All the British assholes abusing America just piss me off. "They're loud mouth" - Yeah, like most ****in' British **** faces ... shouting down the shits about "Eng-a-land" ENG-A-LAND !? Where the **** does the second A come from !? Britain has no right to call anyone loud mouth. America gets involved in everything - No they ****ing don't, and when they do at least they have the guts. All Britain does is shout about football ... and abuse America ... ranting on about how we didn't need America to win the war. Yah, we ****in' did. I get told all the time about how people hate the Yanks ... well NEWS - ****ING - FLASH BRITAIN , they're much better people than you are ! Just like most of the ****ing world are much better than you are. Tell me America thinks it's so big ... well, that's because they ARE. Much bigger than Britain ... ! I'm pissed off with people saying "I'd like to see an American fight in Britain, we'd just smash them with our keys ..." It's not something to be proud of that you'd use any weapon to injure this person. And talking about fighting doesn't make you hard ! It makes you a ****in' idiot.
Where's ****in' God when you need him !? We all know the story of Noah's Ark , well do it to Britain. Wash the scum into the North Sea - and watch 'em ****ing drown. Or America - just nuke Britain into ash.
The whole ****ing nation is one big **** hole. Every Brit should be ASHAMED of being British ! THe few decent people in this country know full well it's a **** hole , and probably wish they were somewhere else.
I'm ****ing ashamed to British. I hate this place more than I hate anywhere else. Everyone on this forum from any other country has no clue about how crap this place is. All that stereotype of pompous upper-class totty is bollocks. The British are a bunch of low-grade, up their own arses, monkey faced jackasses with nothing better to do with their time than add syllables to words and drink piss water as beer, get drunk and shout about football and fight. It's a ****ING **** HOLE !
For all the British people on here, I have to ask if you are proud of this **** HOLE , why !? Sure, the history of this nation is rich and full of victory ... we were the most powerful nation on the planet... but look at us now.
There's scum filling the streets, and there's going to be more foreigners than freakin' British soon. But that doesn't matter because 90% of the British are scumbags anyway living off yours, or your parents tax money. The "Chav" bastards that roam around my town are growing ever larger in number, and this country just accepts it like it's freakin' normal! Yet they cause grief for anyone that doesn't look like a complete ****in' moron, like they do. In five days I've had two incidents of these ****ing idiots starting fights on me ... because I'm a "sweaty" (That's **** FACE slang for a rocker) . Yet nothing gets done, the number grows ... the number grows and my patience slips away. How I would love to see those bastards slaughtered by the hundreds.
What does this country do that should make any Brit proud !? We ****in' sit here like a bunch of pompous twats insulting and abusing every nation on the planet. Well look at yourselves ! Your military is a ****in' shambles. Your government is a crooked piece of ****. Your money goes to waste on all sorts of bollocks. You appease every other ****er in the world. The country doesn't look after you, but it charges you for living here with some of the highest tax rates on the planet.
What makes America so bad!? All the British assholes abusing America just piss me off. "They're loud mouth" - Yeah, like most ****in' British **** faces ... shouting down the shits about "Eng-a-land" ENG-A-LAND !? Where the **** does the second A come from !? Britain has no right to call anyone loud mouth. America gets involved in everything - No they ****ing don't, and when they do at least they have the guts. All Britain does is shout about football ... and abuse America ... ranting on about how we didn't need America to win the war. Yah, we ****in' did. I get told all the time about how people hate the Yanks ... well NEWS - ****ING - FLASH BRITAIN , they're much better people than you are ! Just like most of the ****ing world are much better than you are. Tell me America thinks it's so big ... well, that's because they ARE. Much bigger than Britain ... ! I'm pissed off with people saying "I'd like to see an American fight in Britain, we'd just smash them with our keys ..." It's not something to be proud of that you'd use any weapon to injure this person. And talking about fighting doesn't make you hard ! It makes you a ****in' idiot.
Where's ****in' God when you need him !? We all know the story of Noah's Ark , well do it to Britain. Wash the scum into the North Sea - and watch 'em ****ing drown. Or America - just nuke Britain into ash.
The whole ****ing nation is one big **** hole. Every Brit should be ASHAMED of being British ! THe few decent people in this country know full well it's a **** hole , and probably wish they were somewhere else.
I'm ****ing ashamed to British. I hate this place more than I hate anywhere else. Everyone on this forum from any other country has no clue about how crap this place is. All that stereotype of pompous upper-class totty is bollocks. The British are a bunch of low-grade, up their own arses, monkey faced jackasses with nothing better to do with their time than add syllables to words and drink piss water as beer, get drunk and shout about football and fight. It's a ****ING **** HOLE !