I'm done building it, except for the radar antenna, which I'll attach at the end. I'm a part of the lunatic fringe of aircraft modelers who believe in in-flight builds, so I don't have to worry about nose weights. However I did have to worry about closing the landing gear doors, building a stand, and repositioning and painting pilot figures for the interior. In other words, a whole world of additional work that I choose to do because I like to see aircraft models with their gear up.
I could use some advice on weathering the thing. It looks like P-61s typically had a lot of chipped paint. This is an effect that I'm not so experienced with. I undercoated it with silver but then used a brand of household paint meant for plastics(gloss black). This was a mistake as the paint is too thick and had trouble covering the underlying silver. It also adheres very well, making it very difficult to chip away to reveal the silver underneath. On the other hand, the paint has helped hide the many pits and cracks that my not-so-great job of filling and sanding has left. Needless to say I'm not planning on entering this one into any competitions.
So how would you go about chipping paint and dirtying it up? I imagine I'll have to paint the silver on with a small brush, but I'm afraid of going too far with this. What was your experience with the decals?