RAAF pics

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I have a grand total of 4 pictures in my collection of RAAF aircraft, sadly. These were collected from other sites over a few years and you probably already have them. I have 2 Wirraway and 2 Woomera shots.

Sources unknown on these, sorry.


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Ive got some colour pictures, but I took them at Temora in June.
Wirraway, Boomerang, Hudson Spitfire VIII.

I also live up the road from Pt Cook RAAF Museum and need to revisit, they have a Boston.
Lucky bast*rd! One day I'll make the trip over to Temora. I've also been to the RAAF museum a few years back now, time for a re-visit me thinks.
Got any WWII RAAF colour pics Jeff?

And I doubt many were taken, unless by US troops.

I get "Flightpath" Magazine regularly and dont recall any,
Sorry, but I have this pictures only.


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Chaps, I send some B&W pictures A-25A ( 1st Profile 124, 2nd Squadron Signal) for illustration.


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Cool pics mate, could you shrink the size a bit especially the one on the bottom right - I haven't got that one! Thanks again for the pics!
Hi Wildcat fellow Adelaidian!!! In your collection of photographs would you have a Halifax of 462 sqdn with the crew under the nose/wing. There may be a caption similar to " this aircraft was subsequently lost with P/O mervyn Rohrlach at the controls. My father was the only survivor and i would love to locate a copy of this. Regards John
More from the old family albums
I would be guessing a little but probaly pretty close
The Beaufighters are robably based from Tadji - close to Aitape on the North Coast

Bfite in PNG.jpg

Bfites Tadji.jpg

The Boston probably from down just East of Madang, but were also based at Tadji

Boston at Tadji.jpg

This a little different for my uncle to be near - maybe a visitng Yank at Tadji

P38 Miles.jpg
G'day Petadel, some nice pics there mate, thanks heaps for uploading them. I was thinking maybe the Beaufighters could be at either Noemfor or Morotai as they appear to be 22 sqn aircraft.

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