RAAF pics

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I have a grand total of 4 pictures in my collection of RAAF aircraft, sadly. These were collected from other sites over a few years and you probably already have them. I have 2 Wirraway and 2 Woomera shots.

Sources unknown on these, sorry.


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Ive got some colour pictures, but I took them at Temora in June.
Wirraway, Boomerang, Hudson Spitfire VIII.

I also live up the road from Pt Cook RAAF Museum and need to revisit, they have a Boston.
Lucky bast*rd! One day I'll make the trip over to Temora. I've also been to the RAAF museum a few years back now, time for a re-visit me thinks.
Got any WWII RAAF colour pics Jeff?

And I doubt many were taken, unless by US troops.

I get "Flightpath" Magazine regularly and dont recall any,
Sorry, but I have this pictures only.


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Chaps, I send some B&W pictures A-25A ( 1st Profile 124, 2nd Squadron Signal) for illustration.


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Hi Wildcat fellow Adelaidian!!! In your collection of photographs would you have a Halifax of 462 sqdn with the crew under the nose/wing. There may be a caption similar to " this aircraft was subsequently lost with P/O mervyn Rohrlach at the controls. My father was the only survivor and i would love to locate a copy of this. Regards John
More from the old family albums
I would be guessing a little but probaly pretty close
The Beaufighters are robably based from Tadji - close to Aitape on the North Coast

The Boston probably from down just East of Madang, but were also based at Tadji

This a little different for my uncle to be near - maybe a visitng Yank at Tadji

G'day Petadel, some nice pics there mate, thanks heaps for uploading them. I was thinking maybe the Beaufighters could be at either Noemfor or Morotai as they appear to be 22 sqn aircraft.

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