RAF squadron request ........

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the old Sage
May 20, 2004
Platonic Sphere
ladies and gents :

been going over some docs on a cousin of mine that flew a Do 217N-1 in August of 1943 with 4./NJG 3. It is reported on the night of 3 August 43 he shot down 1 Mosquito West of Westerland a 605th squadron Mossie. Precise deatils of area are not to clear at this time .......... yet

Can someone please ID what the RAF 605th was flying Mosquito wise in August of 43.... intruders or ?

many thanks and this is a bit hard for me to believe that a Do 217 tackled a Mossie and won
From the RAF website.

"No 605 Squadron was formed on 5 October 1926 at Castle Bromwich as a day bomber unit of the Auxiliary Air Force, recruiting in the Birmingham area. Initially equipped with DH9As it received Wapitis in April 1930 and Harts in October 1934. The latter were replaced by Hinds in August 1936 and on 1 January 1939 No 605 was redesignated a fighter squadron and re-equipped with Gladiators. Hurricanes began to arrive a few weeks before the outbreak of World War Two and the squadron took up its war station at Tangmere with a mixture of six Hurricanes and ten Gladiators, completing re-equipment during October. In February 1940 the squadron moved to Scotland, but returned south in May to fly patrols over northern France for a week before moving back to Drem. It moved south again in September for the closing stages of the Battle of Britain and in December began escorting bombers over northern France. At the end of March 1941, it moved to the Midlands for day and night defensive patrols and in October was posted overseas. It reached Singapore in January 1942, too late to affect the campaign, and was evacuated to Sumatra on arrival in the area, moving later to Java. There it became caught up in the Japanese invasion and after operating a collection of surviving aircraft, was either evacuated in small groups or captured by the Japanese by early March.

A detachment of Hurricanes at Hal Far, Malta, began operating on 10 January 1942, and was presumably part of No.605's air echelon since this number was used on its official reports, which end on 27 February 1942. The squadron reformed on 7 June 1942 at Ford as an intruder unit, receiving Bostons which began operations on 14 July over enemy airfields in France. In February 1943 it began to receive Mosquitoes, which flew on intruder raids for the rest of the war. In March 1945, No.605 moved to Belgium to reduce transit time to Germany and late in April arrived in the Netherlands where it was renumbered No.4 Squadron on 31 August 1945.

No.605 reformed as an Auxiliary Air Force squadron at Honiley on 10 May 1946, but recruiting, begun in November, was slow and it was not until April 1947 that it received its first operational Mosquito night fighter. A policy change altered the squadron's role to that of a day fighter unit and in July it began to receive Vampires. These it flew until disbanded on 10 March 1957. "

Section in bold should help Erich. They were flying intruder raids with Mosquitos, so however unlikely a Do-217 shooting down a Mossie is, it looks like it happened.
at the time 605 was flying Nf.IIs, and was unusual as it went straight into the intruder work whereas most squadrons worked up by night defending the mainland, i believe they kept their NF.IIs until the end of the war when they became No.4 squadron, but don't quote me to that...........
Lanc didn't FBVI's start coming into the unit in June of 43 ? I'll have to dig for the Mossie crew names and maybe we can find a serial number to make a 100 % identification ? hey someone throw me a pic of a Mossie II NF please...... ;)
Eric I think this is what you are asking for.

Its from N.F.Mk.II, DZ726, "TW-Z", No.141 Squadron, No.100 (Bomber Support) Group.

I hope this is right.


  • untitled.bmp
    1.9 MB · Views: 143
Here's a picture of a 23 Sqdn. Mosquito NF.II (Special) #DZ228 for you, Erich.


  • 23 Sqn NF II (Special) Mosquito DZ228.jpg
    23 Sqn NF II (Special) Mosquito DZ228.jpg
    54.6 KB · Views: 193
another EXCELLENT shot !

thanks Plan

E still searching a Mossie NF II or a FB VI for 605 in august of 43 ?
I have a profile of a 605 Sqn. Mosquito NF.II (Special), and here it is.


  • 605 Sqn Mosquito NF II (Special) DZ716.jpg
    605 Sqn Mosquito NF II (Special) DZ716.jpg
    12.6 KB · Views: 106

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