Major General
Most accounts don't say. The Contract, signed in Sept 1940 was for 9000 engines. It might be kind of nice for Packard to figure out if they were going to make money or loose money on contractWhat were they doing? Figuring out their bid
And to do that they had to figure out available floor space, needed machine tools, labor, raw materials and so on.
Britain was promising to pay $130 million for 6000 engines and pay/supply the needed tooling. The extra 3000 engines for the US was soon added.
Also look at some of the contracts the British had placed with some of the American companies. Lockheed initial contract for Hudsons that if they completed the first 100 planes within a certain time period they would get a further contract for another 150 planes (or something close). Contracts are going to have at least suggested delivery dates and bonuses for superior performance and penalties for poor performance. Countries were not handing out cost + contracts at this time.
Curtiss lost around $16,000 on the XP-46 because it did not meet the promised performance numbers.
There was a lot of money to be made, there was a lot of money to be lost if their pencils were dull