Random warbirding...

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@Flyboy, Yep, we leave for Stead tomorrow around 12:30 and leave for Concord Friday afternoon. Hopefully the temps stay right where they are at! Great weather so far here. It has been a long time since we visited Minden and the turnout has been great. see you all out there.

I worked with Collings Foundation for a short (one day and then I found out I was laid off from my job) here at Ellington on the F-4D. we were changing an engine. I need to get back with someone to get back too it, one or two weekends a month.

I'll be at Stead next Wednesday thru Saturday and back in September for the races, hope to see you guys sometime soon!
Sorry I missed you at Redding, Jim...but you were running late Monday evening and I didn't want to bug you when you got in, since you'd already had a full day at Reno!

I had been planning to come back on Tuesday, but I overdid it standing around talking with some folks there, my back foot are still in terrible shape from last year's wreck.

Anyway, I am glad you guys made the stop at Redding this year, it was great seeing the folks and aircraft, as always!

And here's proof I was there!


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