Random warbirding...

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Here are a few more...and a few then and now shots. We airlined to Belgium, as much as we would love to take them to England we can't give rides due to their regulations. If any of you guys are around while we are near your city, come on out and say hi.


Menin Gate 1940

same location 2 weeks ago...eerie


and in 1940...Menin Gate...taken as Hitler made his way to Paris to celebrate their victory


Matt Jolley kindly let me fly his Chipmunk...awesome machine!! fun fun!
Great stuff Jim. I didn't think you'd brought the B-24 across 'the Pond', as I'm sure we'd have heard about it in Europe, but the first pic looked rather like the Dutch tulip fields.
More great pics, and you're right about the Chipmunk - I used to get to fly one now and then, and always wished it had that blown 'Canadian' canopy, which looks so much better.
Great pics again. I notice there are some marks on the windhsield. Maybe a volunteer should fly with you, to remove the marks and maintain cleanliness and shine throughout.............

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