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I have had to bring it myself....


  • eduard_08429.jpg
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Lovely stuff Wojtek!

What does 'weekend' edition mean?

Well, it means what Lucky said.There are no photoetched parts, no masks and a decal sheet is for one machine markings.The rest is like in the higher class packs.

You probably saw this back on page 34 (in fact I stole the picture), but I saw this today at the model store near my school. Remember when I said I didn't want to get myself into trouble? When Spit5 posted it I didn't know what he meant my 50% being his, but now I do, it comes with 2 kits and 6 decal schemes! That's the only reason I could justify $60 bucks, but I'm quite pleased with it, read a review and it said it was very good, and I'm excited about the photo-etch parts inside! It'll tide me over for the 2 more weeks that my Dora will take to arrive...
I plan on doing one with the camo as seen on the box, but with the Pacific US style roundels (with the bars) and one in Bunker Hill markings.

What's the best way to apply Photo Etch parts? Also, how would I make it look like a European theatre roundel was over painted by camo?
Catch nice buy mate!
You will need some super glue to attach the etch parts and it would be a good idea to get a good pair of tweezers to hold and place them.

It would be likely that one of the upper surface colours was used....fresh it would be "darker" compared to the camo which would be more likely slightly faded to get a good effect.
today I bought a whole heap of airfix kits those being:

P-40E Kittyhawk
CA-13 Boomerang
Scammel tank transporter

and my mates grandfather gave me an unfinished FW190D-9, all of these are in 1:72
Go to the D-9 Jason my boy... Please, send some pictures we will see if there are things you can correct.

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