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Thanks Wayne! Would you suggest I mix white into my main camo colours, or leave them and mix back into the roundel area?

A small amount only to just tone them done a little would be a good start then use the original paint for the roundel area.

The difference would depend on how long the aircraft had been in service?

But you are looking for just a subtle variation...

Now, you could try a test on the inside of the wings (or fuselage) with a small amount of paint that is as described above AND also without the white and add a tiny amount of black to darken the painted over area.
On the inside of the wings you could at least see the effect, pick what you like and THEN glue the wings together! your sample painting disappears....:D

Then you can get on with the real work!
Hi Lucky. For your paints in one place, try
I've used them a couple of times for other things and they're o.k. Their website is illustrated in catagories. Terry.
Wayne: What we're going to try (cause I did it lat night without your post) is I put a roundel underneath, and we'll see if it gives us the effect we need. But if not, I'll use your method!
What the postie have brought me the last couple of days....:lol:


Looking for the paint, sanding sticks and a few more bits and bobs.....then....finally! 8)
Those helping hands are awesome!

I got a whole heap of that sorta stuff from discount stores cause its exactly the same item only 4X the price in model stores.
:lol: :lol: It's true.

If you have problems with finding them on a carpet, you can drop on the carpet a thing of the similar colour what is the part it can help.Also looking with light direction can help.
It is not a good solution because the PE part can be still on the carpet.Unless it was dropped into the modeller's pants.:lol:

And here my today one...


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