Recent Purchases

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I didn't know there was any other type! And, put water in it...!!!!???
They do that when they make it!!!
But back to the models. Not my recent purchase, but an ex-forces friend of mine, who called around today. He's bought a small job-lot of extremely small scale (about 75mm long) die-cast Concordes, beautifully detailed and finished. Only seen the British Airways one, but I think he's got Air France as well, he got them for £1 each!! But, he's asked me to re-paint one, just for a laugh, in R.A.F. camouflage, Green/Grey/Light Grey !!!
Here's my newest purchase. A balsa/tissue model of a Spitfire. This is going
on hold for awhile. I'm still working on the scale plastic Spitfire [that you can
see some of in the background]. And I still have the Japanese "Rufe"
to do, and that will be next. All because I went into the hobby shop for a
paint brush !



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I just can't pass up good deals on models. Squadron has some steals this month. I just picked up 2 motorized Academy/Minicraft 1/48 armor models (Swedish S-Tank and Jagdpanzer Kanone). I also obtained a 1/32 Revell Germany Seafire Mk 1B and an Italeri 1/35 Leopard IA2. The "normal" prices for these models added up to over 106 US dollars with shipping. With the sale prices, it was less than 40 bucks, shipping included.

The Academy/Minicraft kits are not much to write home about, but for $4.99 each they'll do just fine..........

Wow! That IS good! The equivalent to about £20, including shipping... can't complain at that, the Seafire is virtualy worth that alone. Well done.

I have no idea what the exchange would be, but the Seafire was $11.99 US.

I thought you folks were using the Euro?

Euro, what's that?!!
Where I live, we've only just stopped bartering with chickens, and we've recently got those new-fangled gas lamps! Only kidding, we still use the Pound in U.K. So, call it twelve Dollars, that's £6 to £7, give or take a bit. When I bought the Dragon 1/32nd P51D last year, it was £30 here, and £18 ($35) in the 'States. It's now about £35 here. Just not fair!!
Euro, what's that?!!
Where I live, we've only just stopped bartering with chickens, and we've recently got those new-fangled gas lamps! Only kidding, we still use the Pound in U.K. So, call it twelve Dollars, that's £6 to £7, give or take a bit. When I bought the Dragon 1/32nd P51D last year, it was £30 here, and £18 ($35) in the 'States. It's now about £35 here. Just not fair!!

"Only kidding, we still use the Pound in U.K."

And I thought I was up on world affairs..........:shock:

So it's a bit over 2 bucks to the Pound. That puts things in perspective for me. Thanks.

I wonder if you could mail order from Squadron or Tower Hobbies. Nah, the shipping would probably kill ya.....


It's probably not bad actually. I checked a mail order company in the U.K for their shipping costs to the 'States, and it's reasonable. And bear in mind, since last year in the U.K. the cost of posting has changed, not only is weight taken into account, but size also. That means you could have a package weighing, say 4 oz, measuring 12x16 inches costing as much, or more, than a package weighing say 10 oz, but measuring 4x6 inches!
I'm going to start looking more at ordering from places like Squadron; would have done before, but I only got on the web 3 weeks ago, due to a great mobile broadband internet deal here in the U.K. Before then, it was difficult to get a decent connection in my particular area.
All the best, Terry.

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