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Nipped into the local Hobbycraft for some paint and thinner... came out with paint, thinner, new brushes and this...

Plus all the paints needed to complete it

I've already started it, and have decided, as the weather is too bad for spray painting anything (meaning the Mustang and Thunderjet are both more or less on hold), this will be entirely brush painted, in enamels Hopefully, it will improve my technique a bit.

Looking inside the fuselage was a nasty shock too - the copyright date is 1957 Thick plastic, ejector marks in places that they cannot be easily sanded off, and slightly dubious fit all over... it's Airfix as we know and love it!
They wanted $10.00 for 8 ounces of Lacquer thinner. The guy behind the counter told me I would need it if I were going to use a air brush. I told him I can get five gallons for $30.00 and had it at the shop. The look on his face was priceless.
Good on yer Aaron!
BT, that kit was state of the art when first released! And it fitted together well - then! These old Airfix kits were great at the time, but with old moulds, poor fit is to be expected. I think I built that one in about 1962 ! Hopefully, they've deleted the 'Mr. Blobby' crew members now!!
Jan, old boy. Storage shelves? Try using adapted Guinness crates -- after 're-cycling' the contents of course !!
Mr. Blobby's cousins are actually alive and well and flying Brisfits Test fit of the fuselage is promising, and the wings will be ok as long as the fuselage sits properly on the lower struts. Painting will commence very shortly, with the wings, I need to put it on quite thick to cover up the ejector pin marks that couldn't be completely removed

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