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That 1/24 Mosquito that would be a huge kit :) me I p/u the 1/350 Prince of Wales and 2 1/72 P-47's Tamiya @$10 a piece.You know us modelers like women with shoes:lol: .I would say my builts are about 110-120 with about 8 under some form of construction and 150+ in the stash
Funny how we 'stash' kits. I've only got about six or seven stored away, but I'll probably lay some more in, as the days of a kit being in production and available for years seem to be long gone. Problem is, I tend to buy a kit with the intention of finishing it in a particular individual aircraft's scheme then, when I get around to starting it, maybe years later, I've forgotten what the original plan was!
Rather no, in English it is "sclerosis" but you are talking about the hangover.:lol: But it is a difference.

There is a joke in Poland...What is better : suffering from sclerosis or suffering form Parkinson's disease?
Got my two sets of these decals in the mail today....
Oh! Thanks old boy! Have to sign off to go and collect my new, super dooper, rally car-type office chair, so I'll look at my e-mails before I go.
Chocks away and all that!!
The other company who's name I can't remeber did, I'll try to find one of their ads.
Anyway, I got something new today. Not exactly a model kit, or modelling accessory, but just as important to me, as it'll certainly help the 'comfort zone' whilst modelling or gazing at the old monitor screen. Courtesy of my Regimental Association, may I present my new office chair!


  • Chair 005.jpg
    Chair 005.jpg
    82.7 KB · Views: 47
Nice Terry, a nice chair can make all the difference. I speak from the position of a musician, looking periods spent sitting down with my instrument required a good chair.

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