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...some more.

This is THE model that got me into the hobby. A buddy of mine, a couple of years older than me, bought this model from a local drug store. [for those outside the states a drug store in the US in the 1970-1980s sold virtually everything from household items, to jewelry, to beer].

To this day I remember this model. It sucked then. It sucks now.

This is exactly the kind of model that I like to build. Make it something better than it should be.

White slipper tanks... WTF?


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Seriously I'm jealous!

Heller must have some of the best boxart out there !

I want that Hellcat!

So whats it gonna be Matt? a post war machine? did the french operate them in WW2?

anyway NICE buys!
Wow, Matt! ALL of those are good kits; were then, are now. The boxes look brand new; what did you do, embalm them?!!
BTW, the Mosquito I think will be the early Airfix kit (about 1970 I think), the first one they released after the very crude late 1950's kit; MPC used to be the marketing company in the 'States. When first released, it was considered to be THE Mossie kit in 1/72nd.
If they were 1/48th, I'd be sneaking in during the middle of the night and knicking that Mitchell, and the Horsa and Waco!
Good (30 years ago) buys mate!
Yeah, well it was a huge box in my attic. I have some more suprises.

Here's what I'm thinking of building next.

If you look real close, you'll notice the original price tag is still on it. It was a whopping $0.99.


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Okay, we are about a third through this old box of models. Here's some more that should bring back memories.

Next up is an oddball from Revell that included a goofy grandstand, but the models were intriguing.

And then some classics.


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wow, Testors has the same plane. the Cessna. thoguh i think it's 1/48

lovely kits, Matt! I'd love to have that lancaster!
Well, the first one was....erm.....strange? But the others certainly were classics!

Yeah... I bought it for the Stearman. It was the only time I had seen a Revell version of that bird. The P-51 was just their standard kit with different decals.

Since I seemed to have disappointed here are some you will appreciate.


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Here's some more from the Pandora's Model Box.


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