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friggin hell, Matt! I haven't been this jealous since I saw that huge collection of unbuilt models a lil earlier! O_O
Apparently, the TSR2 has been delayed (again) and won't be available until January. I saw some actual photographs of a built and painted model test-shot, done by a company local to me, who are now doing the box=top art work for Airfix. Not my bag, but looks very impressive. The Canberras are re-releases of the series they introduced just before the 'fall' and subsequent take-over by Hornby. Again, they are good!.
Matt, Microscale used to do a sheet of swastika decals in 1/72nd scale, many different sizes and styles, which would work up to 1/24th scale. Whether you can get hold of them now is a different matter, as Mocroscale no longer market, only produce for other companies, such as Eagle Cal and some kit manufacturers. I agree that, due to 'Political Correctness' (A**e!) it's a stupid pain for modellers. I saw this coming quiet a few years ago, and invested in a Microscale sheet, and fortunately srill have most of the sheet, having used only a few.
If anyone is stuck, and really needs some, I'm prepared to scan my sheet, from which, with luck, you could print these onto clear decal sheet, (from your PC) spray with 'Klear' (Future) to seal, and use as normal. That is IF you can get ahold of clear decal sheet still!
Thanks for the offer airframes. I think I'll just avoid those kits as much as possible. But I'll keep you work around in mind. Where do you get clear decal sheet? I could make a swastika in powerpoint or paint and just reduce it to size. But have never seen blank decal sheets before.
the hobbystore in my town has them...there's this program that Testors created that lets you MAKE YOUR OWN DECALS. they include the program, spray, and blank decal sheets!
Quite a number of companies used to produce a range of 'solid' colour, and clear decal sheets, including 'Microscale', so that modellers could make their own stripes, checkers etc, and, with the clear, paint their own designs. However, with the advent of scanners and high-quality PC printers, it may be that this has been stopped (clear decal sheet), due to the very thing I suggested. I have seen clear decal sheet mentioned lately though, so it's worthwhile checking suppliers lists, asking your hobby shop (if they stock decals that is) and so on. I'll have a look at various U.K. hobby web-sites, to see what I can find. If it's still available for general sale, it's a great way of 'doubling' up on existing decals you might have in stock, although it must be noted that the quality might not be quite as good as the original, depending on size of the subject, but probably acceptable. Bearing in mind the latter statement, I see no reason why decal manufacturers should have a concern over their products being 'bootlegged', as discerning modellers wouldn't buy these, if the original was available. It's just a possible way of resolving a problem like lack of swastikas. BTW, I believe Pedinghaus Decals do swastikas, plus much more very interesting stuff apart from decals.
Just checked the web-site for one of the U.K.'s biggest mail order model outlets, Hannant's. They supply clear decal sheet from two companies, Techmod and Xtradecal. Average sheet size, A4 or 10.5 x 7.5 inches, depending on manufacturer. Didn't check price though, sorry!
Good point Catch! OK, so, unless you want white, you can probably print most decals....! This is starting to sound like a clip from a Monty Python movie... "...So, apart from the roads, what did the Roman's do for us?" !!
Just checked Hannants again. There is a 'white' decal sheet available also. So, in some cases, if the design is orientated correctly, white will be possible. For instance, a German 'White 8' with a black outline. Not perfect, but there will be ways of getting some things done.
got these today will be asking a few questions about the fw 190 A-8 later


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Nice buys mate! Wish I could manage 1/72nd sometimes, it'd leave a lot more room for the growing number of models taking over my house!

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