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Nice buys guys,

I am on a bit of a Japanese A/C kick and picked up this kit on Evil Bay. Its the Fine Molds KI-43 II and apparently it is a very nice kit. Recessed panel lines find rivet detail bla bla bla. Better than the Hasegawa ones. It's OOP I believe.

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Nice buy Dave. I've never built a Fine Molds model and curious as to how they build up.


Thanks guys,


I have never built a fine molds model either but if their a/c kits are anything like their 1/35 scale Japanese armour kits then it will be a fine kit for sure. Their WWII Japanese armour kits are considered the gold standard for such models. Very accurate dimensionally and typical quality Japanese design with excellent fit and accurate instructions.
Some great buys and Terry, as you mentioned in another post, always a little late. I had purchased red bomber codes by accident and have been looking to get rid of them. Next time.


Darn! I probably will only use codes for one aircraft too, but had to get the full sheet of course!
I've got the 1/72nd scale sheet, which is also usable for such aircraft as the RAF Mitchell in 1/48th scale, but not big enough for the Lanc. I'd thought of hand-painting the codes, but with a 'C' and an 'O' in the code, getting the curves right, equally, would be a bit tricky these days, with my stiff hands.
Ah well, I suppose I'll have to do a 1/48th scale Halifax, Stirling. Wellington etc now .............
Thanks George, but as I have now received the decals, I think I'll be OK for some time. Now, if you have a 1/48th scale Halifax or Stirling you don't want ......
Really haven't bought anything of late. With my wife gone to Beijing for a month,I really thought that I would make so big progress on a lot of unfinished birds, but not the case. You see now I have her chores as well." Dam you Hogan""
And about time too Wayne! They're up to Vol 4 now, and I'm eagerly awaiting publication of Vol 5, due either next month or late July I think.

Just got the old Airfix Stirling kit, for a 'rush job' on a commission for a museum in Godmanchester, UK, where a 15 Squadron machine crashed on return from a raid on Essen, in April 1942.
Nice to be asked, but it has to be ready by July 12th, meaning everything else, including another long-overdue commission, now has to wait, as my hands are rather stiff, meaning very slow work, so I can only do this one build in the time allowed - I hope !

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