Recent Purchases (2 Viewers)

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I went to IPMS Houston's Modelmainia to day down in Stanford (about 20-25 miles). I hit the vendors.

From the other vendors. KC-135R with SAC gear and decals $60, F9F $20, F-5F $5, He111 $20, Ju52 $20.
Just received....

1651688692353.png be done thusly....



Though the above Groundhog is a -D model and the kit is a K/N version, Eduard has provided enough parts to do almost every variant. Apparently there is a green band under the fuselage star but I've found nothing yet. The photo does confirm a band. The front wheel looks interesting as well
fubar57 fubar57 are you sure all the parts are there for the D? Those weekend edition kits are lean versions of the Profipack kits so no PE or masks and more limited decal options. Not sure if they toss some sprues to boot.
Its the "P-39 Airacobra over New Guinea" Dual Combo kit. D, N, Q versions

Depending on the decal markings and PE set included. Basicly all Eduard kits for P-39 are the kit no. 8061 for Bell P-400 Airacobra. In the case of the Eduard 1152 "P-39 Airacobra over New Guinea" just two plastic kits and two PE sets were put into one box. So you may make the D, N and Q variant.


the source: the net.
Yes ... I know.
Here you are the extract from the kit manual showing which PE parts you need to use for the cockpit in order to get the correct variant. Certainly the decal markings are the "external attribute" for the chosen vesion. Of course there are the plastic parts coming with the kit sprues that let make the model appearance as close as possible to the correct variant. So your kit for the K/L kite is OK as it contains all the plastic parts for K,L,N,Q and the D version. You will need the decal markings for the D plane and/or the PE zoom set with the pieces for the D cockpit if you want be more accurate in the area.

p-39 indicator panel.jpg

the source: the net.

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