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This was dropped of by Mr Postie today, could have a good use for it in a month or two.

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I went to IPMS Houston's Modelmainia to day down in Stanford (about 20-25 miles). I hit the vendors.
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From the other vendors. KC-135R with SAC gear and decals $60, F9F $20, F-5F $5, He111 $20, Ju52 $20.
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I LOVE the Monogram He III! If I had the room of get one. Nice catch.
1/33 scale? That's an odd one

Not so much. The standard scale for cardboard models of planes is just the 1/33. For instance the vehicles/tanks are of 1/25 scale. The ships have their own range of scale depending of the ship class for example ... destroyers are of 1/200 usually.
Not so much. The standard scale for cardboard models of planes is just the 1/33. For instance the vehicles/tanks are of 1/25 scale. The ships have their own range of scale depending of the ship class for example ... destroyers are of 1/200 usually.
Never dealt with them so I'm ignorant.
I would thing that doing one of these cardboard kits would be a bit of a challenge until one got the hang of it. Couple of nice birds you've got my friend. :D

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