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Just arrived from Hannants.
My thanks to 'Colin 1' for the heads up that they had these on offer at almost 40% off the normal price. I'd thought that they were long out of production, not realising that Classic Airframes had produced a new batch exclusively for Hannants.
Sure beats the silly prices they go for elsewhere !!

View attachment 578397
Me want...
Picked up this KV-85 from Bronco. $45cdn. Pretty good deal I think.
Got me a new airbrush today, a Harder & Steenbeck Ultra with a .2mm nozzle. That's after I broke my almost new nozzle on my Iwata HP-C Plus which is a $50 touch. I got the new brush for 90US with free shipping and will also spring for a new nozzle for my Iwata which will continue to be my workhorse. The New H&S will be for very fine work.

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