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Just ordered this.
I've read a few books on the Sherwood Rangers Yeomanry and although this kit doesn't have markings for them.
I fancy doing a few 1/48 tanks, so this is my start !

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Good stuff Guys. Couple i purchased at the recent Model show.
First obvious Eduard A-6.
The Second is a 1/72 Tamiya A6M2 Zero special boxing with extra decals it originally was released with a Japanese Publication on the Zero, packed full of photo's of all versions of the Zero from start to end of war, added that extra image as i did get the Book and Kit when originally release quite some time ago.
Fw190A-6 Eduard_6168.jpg

A6m2 Zero_Tamiya_PA086173.jpg
A6M2 Zero Tamiya_6175.jpg
A6M2 Zero Tamiya_6180.jpg
Awesome scores Wayne!

My latest, for my RNZAF and NZ Article XV sqn collections.

Special Hobby #SH72380: Kittyhawk Mk.III (Long Fuselage P-40K)

Special Hobby #SH72382: P-40M Warhawk/ Kittyhawk Mk.III

Quinta Studios #QD72155: Avro Lancaster B.I/III Interior 3D decal (for Airfix kit)
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