Chief Master Sergeant
ok so i stop off to get gas which is located in this plaza. while i was filling up a guy asks me if i have jumper cables because this chic has a bum battery in her car. i dig around and find my set...he motors down the parking lot to get her started up while i fill up. after i am done i go where they are and help get her car running. as i am driving out of the plaza i see this semi all painted up with Red Tail and the CAF. had i not got gas there and lent out my cables i would never have passed this truck....weird but cool. so i snap a few photos with my phone to share with you all when i notice a lady in the cab of the truck. as i walk forward she opens the door and we begin talking, here this is a mobile museum and movie theater. they have a 30 minute documentary about the Red Tails...and its been here at the plaza for 2 days but was leaving that night. just as i was cursing myself under my breath she says they are going to the allegheny county airport ( about an hour away) and she had her pilot bring in the Red Tail P51 C. i am thinking i am blowing off a bunch of stuff tomorrow and heading down there to see if i can finagle a chance to climb in the cockpit. the site is
The Red Tail Squadron | Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen
and there is an "events" calendar of where they will be...( and maybe have the 51 with them ). thought i would let you know so you can maybe catch it if its coming close. enjoy....i am going to
The Red Tail Squadron | Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen
and there is an "events" calendar of where they will be...( and maybe have the 51 with them ). thought i would let you know so you can maybe catch it if its coming close. enjoy....i am going to