Thanks for that. Douglas' minute was regarding the Blenheim as a nightfighter,dated 28th August 1940,and was part of the back stabbing campaign he was conducting against Dowding at the Air Ministry.
His 15 mph estimate ties in with the stuff you posted for the Blenheim I. You don't happen to know if that test was carried out prior to Douglas' memo? If those were the results to which he was referring Douglas,typically,didn't mention the 250 hours of surface preparation,nor the clipped wings or fairing.
His 15 mph estimate ties in with the stuff you posted for the Blenheim I. You don't happen to know if that test was carried out prior to Douglas' memo? If those were the results to which he was referring Douglas,typically,didn't mention the 250 hours of surface preparation,nor the clipped wings or fairing.