Reno Pylon Race Seminar, Minor Mishap

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Apr 9, 2005
Colorado, USA
This went down yesterday. Mid-air during training. Both pilots walked away, no pics of the other aircraft but it was damaged as well. Details to come as the news is released.


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More bad news out of Reno:

Reno race fans it is great sadness to make the following announcement. It has been the decision of the Unlimited Division Board of directors, representing the members of the Unlimited Division, to announce a safety stand down of the Unlimited Division from participation in the 2013 Reno National Championship Air Races.

The not so simple decision was made due to the inability of the Unlimited Class to reach a satisfactory resolution with the FAA and RARA to concerns regarding race course safety, specifically altitude restrictions. It has always been the opinion of the Unlimited Class that if you keep the pilots safe, the crowd will also be safe. In the last several years the Unlimited Class is of the opinion that Rara in conjunction with the FAA has made new altitude rules and race course changes that prohibit the pilots from having satisfactory safety clearance and G load margins. This stand down was the product of two organizations refusing to take the obvious qualified recommendations of the pilots flying on the course.

In response to RARA and FAA's refusal to remedy the issues at hand to the satisfaction of the Unlimited racers, it has left us no other option but to stand down in the interest of safety. It is the hopes of the Unlimited Division members that logic will prevail and the event we have come to know as the Fastest Motor Sport on earth will not disapear, but will continue for many years to come. In the mean time we have no other option , but to not participate in this years event.

Matt Jackson
VP Unlimited Division
Folks had better start writing into the FAA complaining about not addressing this issue to the safety satisfaction of the participants and the spectators. If they don't the slow grinding gears of bureaucracy will not be addressing this for quite a while. A good start is to write a similar letter to your federal representative asking for an expedited solution.
Good luck with that. The FAA is now charging aviation events for controllers. The OshKosh event got a bill for half a million dollars! One of the small Father's Day fly-ins up north of here has been cancelled because they can't afford the fees for the controllers, after 47 years! The FAA has gotten out of control and their war on aviation has gotten ugly as hell.
It's not just a bloated bureaucracy and the attendant ambivalence, but it is coupled with the effects of sequestration and how to apply the maximum amount of pain upon the public for purely political reasons. It's sad and pathetic frankly.
And every time they close, or cause the closure of a GA airport, they eliminate an emergency supply runway.

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