Rescribing tools?

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While I sometimes use knives and pins, I find them to be less than ideal because they tend to displace plastic rather than remove it so that every groove results in ridges on both sides. Where I can, I use these extremely fine PE saws. They remove material and leave a very fine groove.

Forgot about this wee beastie. Like Andy's, its more of a saw and it works great. I just used it on my tip tanks.

One has to fold the blade into shape and then fit it in the handle, not included. I think several sizes of blades came in the set.
  1. When did I get it.....I dunno
  2. Who makes it.....I dunno
  3. Where's the rest of the set.....I dunno
  4. What's it for....Ha ha...I believe it was advertised as a tool to remove parts from sprue trees who's attachment points are larger than the part itself
  5. Why did I get was shiny
I have an appointment booked for you for a past life regression therapy session

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