I spent most of the fifth week on the Invader super detailing the Pratt & Whitney R-2800 double wasp 18-cylinder engines. I started off by drilling the cylinders with a 0.25mm drill and then the ring with a 0.5mm drill. The engines were then painted and I added the Pratt & Whitney logo and engine placard decals. Once painted I then used 30 gauge wire for the lines. I installed them on the cylinder side first then trimmed them to fit into the ring. These were then painted with dark brown.
While things were drying on the engine I weathered the main gear bays and installed them onto the wing. I also built up and cleaned up the gun pods for the wings and the main gear struts. Since the tail was already installed I checked out how much weight I will need to install to make sure it rests on the gear correctly. With the weight required it looks like the kit landing struts, especially the nose strut may not support the weight correctly, I decided to replace them and ordered the SAC metal landing gear struts which are scheduled to arrive this coming week.
Moving back to the engines I review some reference photos of the exhaust. The kit has them molded inside the cowl. These are too short and too small diameter. I then sanded these all down and replaced them with some 0.75mm styrene rods. The cowl sections were them painted with Vallejo metal Duraluminum paint to represent the NMF finish of the aircraft. The rear section was then weathered with brown, grey, and black pastel chalk to represent the exhaust staining from the exhaust. I also added some weight inside to aid in balancing the aircraft.
I am currently working on installing the wings and other external details to the fuselage. I am hoping to get the base coat and possibly the decals completed over the next week.
As the sixth week ends on the Invader I spent the week preparing the aircraft for the base coat of paint. I installed the wings and then detailed the bomb bay doors with the photo etch. These were then installed to the fuselage with the photo etch hinges. After I panted and weathered them I then cut the molded wingtip lights so they can later be replaced with clear lenses.
One of the unique things about "Maggie's Drawers" is that it had the loop antenna instead of the teardrop version usually seen on the A-26's. Since the kit does not have this option I used 30 gauge wire and formed the loop antenna. I used a paintbrush handle and wrapped the wire twice around. After shaped it I coated the antenna with some CA glue to seal it.
As I said last week I ordered the metal landing gear struts, these arrived this week so they were cleaned up and painted. I then painted the aircraft with Vallejo Duraluminum. The canopy and upper rear window were then masked and painted as well. The scheme also has a vertical black stripe on the rudder so this was also painted. I also painted the olive drab anti-glare areas on the inboard side of the engine cowls and in front of the canopy.
Up next will be the decals. I will be using the kit decals for the standard aircraft and the Kits World decals for the specific scheme. Once the landing gear is installed I can then check the amount of weight I need in the nose and attach the nose.
The seventh week on the Invader has the decals applied and the rest of the details being worked on. The decals were a mix of kit decals and the aftermarket Kits World decals. Both sets of decals worked very well except the stars and bars insignia's. The kit version looked like the blue ink around the star was too thin of a layer. The Kits World decals were a lighter blue and slightly smaller. I ended up using a set from another aftermarket sheet of insignia's that are colored correctly and accurately sized for 1/48 scale.
I then added weight to the nose. Each engine nacelle has two ounces of weight behind the engine and I added two more to the front of the nose. This was enough weight so the aircraft sits properly on the landing gear. The landing gear was assembled and installed. The kit comes with two styles of wheels. One set was just regular wheels and the second set has a flat side represented wheels with weight on them. I used the latter set. The canopies were then detailed, painted, and installed. I also modified the recognition lights on the underside of the fuselage by drilling them slightly and filling them with acrylic gel. These were then painted with Tamiya clear green, red, and yellow.
I still have to finish the weathering and final details to complete the aircraft. Next week I will have the final photos of this build and a preview of the next build.
After eight weeks the Revel A-26B Invader is finished. I painted, decaled and installed the propellers, installed the antenna using EZ-line, and did some final touches on the weathering to complete this build.
Overall this was a fun build. The kit has a good fit and only minimal putty was required. The kit decals as well as the Kits World decals worked very well. The instructions are laid out well. The added photo etch accessories from Eduard provide very good details and add a level of realism especially in the bomb bay area. The only difficult area was the gunner's seat assembly. To add the photo etch you need to cut off sections and place them onto the photo etch frame. Cutting them off and aligning them up so the assembly is straight and even took a little bit of time. I hope you have enjoyed following along on this build. Happy Modeling!