Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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That is great 88 . Iam going to start the pre shading on mine today i like the part with the wood from the original superb .Hope your mentor is not to harsh and you keep your head He He.BB
I have just been doing some research and it seems aurora did an 1/32 mitchell many moons ago it was a conversion of there glow plug model and now goes for really stupid money.BB
some of the shading is abit spattery but should be able to lose that under the main colour.BB ps sorry about the size thing airframes .
Looking good BB.
If you want an easy way to re-size your pics, download Irfanview. It's free, and dead easy to use. Wurger reccomended it to me, and I haven't looked back since!
Your 88 looks very nice!

But.. Not even tried Airframes suggest?

Resizing a picture with irfanview is very simple..
Choose the picture you want... right click... open with... choose irfanview..and your pic will appear in this...
Than go to "Picture".. choose resize and in the appearing box type in the size you want. (i think 700 or 800 will be fine)
Save as new picture and the "screen-busting" is history

If you not own irfanview you can download it


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