Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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Thanks wurger i try to remember that info still having trouble with resizing I followed the instructions i was given to the book it seems to resize ok but whenit comes to save that part does not seem to happen .BB
yes it was recomended as you can see it does not want to work on my computer for some reason.BB
Ok. Go to the Signature/genaral picture uploading section.Cos' it is not place for this.Go please.
right trying again
aha got it at last yahoo.BB


  • IMG_1645.jpg
    44.6 KB · Views: 79
So I'm glad I helped a bit. But there is another note for you .Before you save the next pic , set the pic format in the last line at the bottom of the window for saving pic.Now it is set as bmp and you need to have jpg format.
Hi 88 its a shame you cannot see the cockpit thats awesome thanks for the comments .Still don,t know how you do yours so quick hehe lets see some more pics of yours my freind .BB
here is a couple of shoots this is real snow..but this is how i will use it ..when the diorama is finished


  • modell 004.jpg
    20.2 KB · Views: 78
  • modell 007.jpg
    22.2 KB · Views: 77

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