Revell Junkers 88 A1 1:32scale

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Actually I love to hear about the un song hero or the Junkers Ju52. Its not pretty but its one heck of a work horse for the Germans.
will get some updates on that very soon my friend i really like the Ju 52 so will post some pics of the dio we are making on that as well very soon

now its bedtime in Norway..its 2.30am..hehe
I love this diorama!
As a "HAWKIE" it´s great to see our "big sister" is launching again
Great work to realize the moment of the booster-release
"Bye bye Bear" (that arrives from the right upper corner..)
Hey gutt maybe you should have my bear that i am biulding god what a beast of a kit and trumpeter too would look good getting blown out of the sky by the nike.BB

now that would be really cool if we could have that..if you want to donate it to the museum i will put it in the display with the Nike

that would be cool
and Bad Bear..i guess your bear is biggger than the one we had..5cm long model.. you can see it in the upper right corner with contrails.. but they flew in formation so to have a bigger one would be cool
Hi gutt might be a prob posting it its a tab large even in 1/72 scale .Its way bigger than the 88 in 1/32 the bear has a span of about 28 ins and a length pretty much the same.But yes it would look darn cool in the dio mate.BB ps i will post a pic when i get it looking half decent.
looking forward to see the pics of the model..just post it here if you want to

wish you could send it as i agree..that would look da..n cool in the dio

Ok will do gutt i will try and find something in the same scale to show the size of this monster .BB
I think we all need wide screen monitors due to my lack of skill with the computer Ha Ha .BB

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