Running mates

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Those two in Denver is going to be interesting. I wonder what she's got up here sleeve. She got the roll call in, why is what I want to know. Could add up to nothing, could be a big deal.
I have a sneaking feeling there's going to be a second nomination, from the
floor. It would not surprise me.....


You're probably right on that one Charles.

This could either be a big "Rah-Rah" convention and he comes out 15 points up or it is a tortured process with Hillary staking her claim to what she believes (with some truth) is hers. If she was out of it, she'd have given him her votes by now. But by not doing that, then getting a role call done, I seriously doubt she's done.

That woman is up to something, and nobody knows for sure what it is. But she could try and swipe the nomination from him.

Going to be interesting when the roll call comes up.

Does anyone know what day that happens?

tim Charles,

From your lips to God's ears. But I think it's wishful thinking. I would love to see a bloodbath at the Dem convention, but I can't see it happening.

Official: Clinton to Release Delegates to Obama Wednesday

Too bad

Bummer. I figure she's either promised something in the new cabinet or he's going to pay off her "War Debt" from the primaries. She had to get something for this.
Rumour has it that Hillary will be given a supreme court justice position by Obama.

And she would be the most conservative of any B. Hussein nomination.

Obama (if he gets the chance) would pack the court with a bunch of ACLU lawyers (a la Ruth Bader Ginsberg).


And she would be the most conservative of any B. Hussein nomination.

Obama (if he gets the chance) would pack the court with a bunch of ACLU lawyers (a la Ruth Bader Ginsberg).



Ginsburg is a little too conservative for B Obama.

Dennis Kusinich "Baghdad Jim" McDermott are both lawyers, probably just about right for Obama....
man you gotta get a new job all your driving and listening to US talk radio is scary

If they had a Canadian channel with something interesting I might listen... {NOT Stompin' Tom Conners}

But seriously, the US economy is pretty important to me, if there is a trade war or the economy tanks I could be losing alot of $$$

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