Sad news....

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Here here Med you've hit the nail on the head I have friend's who live in Wenatachee Washington state a typical USA one main street town I had the best Steak of my life in an old Poolroom/diner the people where really friendly they thought I was Australian at first because I kept say cheers mate and at that time Crocodile Dundee was the no1 movie .
We had a brilliant time just talking about our families and what we did for a living I learned more about the USA in 2 hours of conversation with these nice people than I could have in twenty years of TV watching.
This as you rightly say Med is the real America and these are the type of people that give it a bit of back bone.
My friends husband was an ex Marine Bandsman and taught at the college unfortunately he died from a brain tumour not long after we visited him but we keep in contact with his wife and I am sure we will return to see her soon perhaps this time I'll get a chance to do the Boeing plant tour.
I can't get my head round why anyone would want to go to a fast food outlet in the States, when if you do a tiny bit of looking around you can always find a diner or restraurant with loads of character, that serves really great proper food, plenty of it, and you'd only pay a tiny bit extra.
You need to try somewhere else in Spain Cheesy, where I go there are some Brits but not many in fact there's not even many Spanish the nearest town is 10 miles away on the other side of the valley and the noisiest thing there is the Goat bells as the goat herd leads them across the hills, definitely a place to recharge the old batteries.

I know what you mean Med the only grub I was not keen on was corn bread the one I had I thought it tasted like the dry cellulose sponge that I use to wash me car with.


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well it may be more expensive, but only slightly, and it's far better value for money..........

it's the same over here, people always say how when they go to plymouth (or nearest city) they'll go to Mc. Donalds or burger king, i know a great little restauraunt on the street next to the main shops and it's gread, they've textured the walls in there and it's like a gaint orange cave, when i tell people about it they kind of look at me in disgust but i even took a friend there once an she loved it as well...........
Where abouts is it? Ive been in most eateries in Plymouth.

Trackie, the place I went in Spain (Alicante) was totally packed with British people! I stayed with my Uncle and Aunt and the Street they lived in had all British people there. I dont doubt there are less British places in Spain but from what ive seen it ant too great.
Cabrera is 3 hours south of Alicanti and 30 mins inland and 30 mins up.
I think its like anywhere Cheddar . Southend is full of kiss me quick hats and burger bars but 10 miles away is the Heybridge basin full of old Thames sailing barges and oo ar pubs brilliant. I believe every country has a + and a - its just a case of finding the positive bits.
Med andTrackend, you guys both have it right. Similar to what I did, get off the beaten path and find the real people. When I hit the big cities in Europe, people were not as friendly. But get away from the big cities and you find the character of the nation.
Halifax, Nova Scotia isn't exactly a "big" city. We're all friendly here! ;)
(Yeah, right!)

Well I am. That's all that matters. And I actually grew up in a small community called Sheet Harbour. :lol:
Have you been to Gib guys - Its great! Loads of history, some of the biggest naval guns you'll ever see, and a bottle of Voddy (Stolichnaya -the proper stuff no less) is £5 and a packet of 20 Marlboro lights was 73p when I was there in 1999!
If you mean Gibraltar, yes I've been there. It's a nice place and the beer was highly affordable. :lol:
I even remembered to take pictures, if I could just find them.

I had an interesting time negotiating with those thieving cliff monkeys too. :rolleyes:
I didn't go near them - heard of too many stories of people getting robbed and/or bitten by those evil things.
Have you heard the story that in 1940, the apes started dying off in droves?

Legend has it if the apes ever leave the Rock, so will the British. Churchill got to hear of the Ape Crisis, and with Gibraltar being of such importance ordered the colony to be replenished with new apes. As the tide turned for the Allies, the apes not only recovered their original numbers, but started to thrive and multiply as well! Spooky eh?
I went there believe it or not 5 weeks ago on a day trip when me and the missus where visiting in Marbella I can understand now why in the film Das Boot they crapped themselves at the prospect of going through the straights into the Med. Med. :) they really are narrow arn't they.
The guy showing us around was very proud of his heritage and amusing he told us generally the locals speak a mixture of Gibraltees and Spanish which they call Gibberish :lol: My wife was too scared and wouldnt get out of the motor when we went to see the apes. Apparently there's no mooring fees for anchoring vessels off of Gibralter so thats why there is always a large Merchantial fleet there. Im at work at the moment but Ill stick a couple of pics on when I get home tonight.
on the computer at work, naughty naughty [-X

and CC this cafe's on royal parade but no one i know actually knows where it is :lol:

and the same girl i took to that cafe also has a couple of villas in spain as well, i'll ask her about this stuff..........
Yes but that is usually to show people the numourous humourous (what do you know it, im a poet...) pictures that are put up. ;) At school though I usually always work, even during free time! ;)

Woo! Off to Spain in August...

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