Search function changed a bit.

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Honourably banned
Mar 26, 2007

something is nor the same. Normally its the string of text it selects (i.g. sn gives result any member names with sn on now any with the letters in the string)

now itgives result in all members that have search letters in no particular order.
It seems the changings are caused by installing of a couple extentions (addons) regarding the authors and their books. The ability of searching engine to find the required letter string was extended and got the capability of checking on a longer text than it has been so far. So that's the reason IMHO.
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something is nor the same. Normally its the string of text it selects (i.g. sn gives result any member names with sn on now any with the letters in the string)

now itgives result in all members that have search letters in no particular order.
There was an update that changed the username auto-complete setup. It allows for fuzzy searching thus you seeing all of that. Let me tweak the knobs a little bit.

Thanks for heads up. Are you searching for yourself by the way? :confused2:
Nice. Is it possible in the result list to order in active ? So the search is in this case search a members for string sna result is all memers with letters s,n or a and ordered by last activity date.
Yeah I agree about the time limit. I was looking for posts by a guy name Snokri but he hasn't been here for years. But I still wanted to find his post.

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