Server Maintenance :: 10-8-17 - Report Issues

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Yep the searching service doesn't work for some reason. And it seems to be for the entire forum.

Same problem here,
On the phone it just tries to load... on the computer it works fine
Unfortunately the errors appeared again. It seems that most of them are regarding to Wayne's posts and one of your Marcel. It looks liken somebody or something tried to send an e-mail to both of you. The error messages indicate unknown account though.

What mobile browser are you using? I'll check into this.

Wurger I'm looking into the email. Seems to have some problems connecting to Amazon AWS service. I'll see if there are issues on their side.
Wurger So looks like the email issues was a server DNS resolver problem. I've changed the DNS setup to use Google's and Level3's DNS servers. I'll keep eye on it but that should be the solution.

Marcel the DNS issue might have manifested as slow server response due to timeouts/longer queries. Let me know if you still noticed any lag.

Marcel still going to look into the mobile browser issues.
I thought about the e-mail server yesterday. But the errors didn't happen again untill this morning when I came.. Just today found the next ones on the server logs list..

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