Several Aviation Video Clip......

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Is that I am the only one wich have some videos? :confused:

Well here a RAF guncam attacking V1. No tracers seems to be used.


  • v1kill_459.mpg
    909 KB · Views: 124
Man...some cool vids...I know the one with the su-27 crash, the question is: what the f*** was the pilot thinking performing such complex manouvers at a such low altittude... simply human error I would say... The hrrier crash is quite nasty... Probably loss of power... damn... The WTC is terrifying... And the spit... WOOOOOOOOW
The earlier Harrier crash was at a British airshow a couple of years ago - possibly off Southend beach which has an annual show... RAF GR7 I think. I recall seeing this on the TV news. WHat puzzles me is the indifference of the audience in the foreground... the Harrier makes such a racket you can't ignore it.
I've read the story: during a British airshow the Harrier engine failed. The pilot ejected safetly but unfortunately he splashed just above the submerging aircraft and remains injuried hitting the plane (some broken bones)

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