I finally managed to get some work done on the He 111.
Took me quiet a while, so it's a big update on this project.
First I looked at the He's nose. The problem with the Monegram kit is that it's a H-3. So the H-22 has the wrong nose.
The Bola was changed on the H-6 and H-10 to carry heavier nose guns. The H-10 normally carried the MG FF cannon and therefor had a strenghted nose. This nose is shorter and more rounded. So I took the hacksaw, cut off the kit's glass nose and tried to file and sand it to the propper shape. It's not 100% but close enough...
The belly of the beast was also different from the H-3. The Paratrooper version had no small windows. So these were filled up with plastic card and sanded flush. For this I used the wrong "C" stand glass (of the kit) which will be replaced later with a Squadron correct item for the H-10. The front of the gondala on the H-10 was also clear, so this item will be replaced with a correct one as well.
After carefully polishing the kit's plastic. (something that needs to be done when you rebuild a kit) I started painting.
I read on a few techniques and wanted to try something new (at least for me). Instead of pre-shading (my usual modus operandi) I choose to paint the entire model "cockpit black" (a dark grey-ish black) and work from there. I've seen some great results from this technique and I think it's mostly used by armour modellers.
I started with the underside, RLM 65.
After confirming this technique worked the way I wanted, I moved to the uppersides and applied some RLM 71 green.
I wanted the effect of a worn paint job as all the pics showing "S-82" have a well worn paint apearance.
By painting spots of RLM 71 over the cockpit black paint I got a quit interesting result. Pretty much what I hoped for...
Next Imade some "floating masks"for the RLM 70 Dark Green "Spliter Camo". I used masks instead of tape to get a less hard demarcation line between the greens. I noticed that mid- to late war He 111's have less hard lines.
I used the same technique as for the RLM 71. Splotchy lines, like a very dense "wellermuster" camo.
When all this had time to dry overnight, I started thinking on how to go for the Slovak fusalage markings. with Wojtek's/Wurger's help I was able to determine that the Slovak's painted over the Luftwaffe markings. S-82 was delivered as CO + PT.
I decided to take the same route, paint the Luftwaffe codes first. I made some masks and painted these on the fuselge. As you can notice they look rather crude, but since they will be overpainted, I only needed the countours.
So with the bulk of the work done, I can now start thinking of finishing this kit. Since I already subscribed for GB#26, I want this one done before I start with the Hobby Boss Me 262 B-1 trainer.
Stay tuned!