Ship Design, Commercial, Military etc., etc....

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Forum Mascot
Aug 21, 2006
In my castle....
Why does USS Zumwalt DDG-1000 have the bow that she has, looks dead weird to me, but....I'm sure that there's a reason behind!


SS Delphine has a much more beautiful bow....


Although a ship will never be fully stealth, it is to reduce its radar signature cross section.

My understanding is that on radar, the ship looks the size of a fishing boat.

Military ships are not designed with beauty in mind, but rather survivability and capability.
How will that bow....behave, in heavy, rough, seas though? I can't help but thinking that she'll "disappear" in the waves....🤨🤔
The theory of the bow design coupled with the hull design, the hull slopes inwards from the waterline, is that it cuts through waves, up to a limit of course.
Does this mean then, that she's a beautiful weather, calm waters, ship? 😉😆😂
I don't believe so but most oceans aren't like the north sea. I used to drink in a bar in Mulheim Germany owned by a guy who took part in the Americas Cup sailing competition, he had photos all over the bar. He used to talk about boats operating in two mediums and the challenges it presented. Sometimes the Americas cup is sailed on almost flat calm with almost no wind but at others it is windy and choppy, the hull and sails must cope with both. It was interesting stuff.

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