Glock Perfection
Every year we encounter airshows and other flying museums that are showcasing old warbirds. These beautiful aircraft, their dedicated pilots, and even more dedicated mechanics work with love and enthusiasm to ensure that another generation is allowed to experience the wonder of yester-engineering.
How many of us have witnessed an old (or perhaps new!) warbird performing a fly-by hearing that radial engine and... imagining. Who of us has got chills or hairs on the back of our necks seeing one of our favorite aircraft doing a low pass or high-G turn? How else can a new generation appreciate such engineering marvel, aerodynamic beauty or raw physical awe? Where else can you go to witness visual, auditory and visceral appreciation for man's accomplishments?
Now for the question. Should these rare old beauties still fly? Does catastrophic destruction outweigh the benefit of satisfying a few more years of both hardcore and new audiences? If there are only 20,10, 5, or 3 aircraft of a particular type in the world, should they be flown at the risk of reducing that precious population?
Give us your thoughts.
[And this should wet your appetite.
There are expletives in the attached for those with sensitive ears.]
How many of us have witnessed an old (or perhaps new!) warbird performing a fly-by hearing that radial engine and... imagining. Who of us has got chills or hairs on the back of our necks seeing one of our favorite aircraft doing a low pass or high-G turn? How else can a new generation appreciate such engineering marvel, aerodynamic beauty or raw physical awe? Where else can you go to witness visual, auditory and visceral appreciation for man's accomplishments?
Now for the question. Should these rare old beauties still fly? Does catastrophic destruction outweigh the benefit of satisfying a few more years of both hardcore and new audiences? If there are only 20,10, 5, or 3 aircraft of a particular type in the world, should they be flown at the risk of reducing that precious population?
Give us your thoughts.
[And this should wet your appetite.