Major General
I imagine a supercharger optimized for 18k' might have helped some but from charts it looks like the Allison -39 single-stage SC the P&W -86 first stage kicks in about 12-15 k' while the second stage of the P&W kicks in about 20k" I haven't found any P&W charts for a single stage supercharger so not sure where the G205 or similar engine (for example P&W 1830-90) kicks in.
A P&W R-1830 needed 48in of map to make 1200hp. Nobodies single stage supercharger of 1941 could deliver that pressure in a usable manner at 18,000ft except the Merlin modified by Hooker and even then the power needed to drive it cut into the power output.
ALL US radials with single stage superchargers had a critical altitude of under 15,000 even in high gear. edit> at the time, the Cyclone in the FM-2 has a critical altitude of 17,000ft. but it doesn't show up in production until the middle of 1943, First production FM-2 is in in Sept 1943) < edit
In a Navy proposal Curtiss estimated a top speed of 351 MPH for a navalized Hawk equipped with the -76 engine. [/I]"
Pratt did much better than that but not until the fall of 1942 with their test mule. the question is what did they give up?
This is a picture of the two stage Hawk tested in the 1939 Army fighter trials with an early P W two stage engine, it may have been a quick and dirty job to make the time limit, I don't know. I believe the bulge just behind the engine on the bottom is the auxiliary stage of the supercharger ( it corresponds to the position shown in patent drawings) unlike the engines used in the Wildcats were the Aux stage is behind the normal supercharger. Please notice the duct/pod under the cockpit and behind the left wheel/landing gear. This would be the inter-cooler, needed to get the high altitude performance but a real "drag" at low altitude. A two stage engine and inter-cooler could be several hundred pounds more than a single stage.
The P W test mule ( I believe I posted a picture in another thread ) had some really big scoops above and below the engine but didn't have any cowl guns and ammo tanks to get in the way of the supercharger bits and pieces.
FOund it :
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