Show of force!

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Sep 17, 2004
Moorpark, CA
This was a show of force in Mosul after some Americans had been
killed. It's shows some UH60's firing on a target illuminated by
a hand held laser, then attacked by a UH-60. That is the description given to me in the e-mail message I received.


  • uh60-in-mosul_205.wmv
    3.6 MB · Views: 161
Yep. It gave me the same thing. But I can tell you that was once one of the most beautiful sounds I could have heard when I did. Sucks to be on the receiving end, but when the fecal matter hits the rotating air circulator, that is the most beautiful music.
lesofprimus said:
I still hold some hard felt feelings for JarHeads... Cant tell u how many brawls and fights I and We got into with them....

But I still give em props for gettin it done.... War changes atitudes...

Agree, but remember - MARINES - Muscles Are Required, Intelligence Not Essential
If they get the job done in the field and stop you getting your ass blown off, who cares if their I.Q isn't above their shoe size?

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