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those siggy look so good.. maybe I'll try to create one sometime..
as of now only text siggy for me..
ok so 600x200 right
I think it slightly unfair that there are different rules for different people here
Some of the sigs are 600x200 plus and 150kb yet new people have to try to get an image to look descent at 500x100 and only 19.5kb.
Perhaps some of you with the spectacular sigs that you squezed in early should try to fit them to this restriction and see what they look like?
For gods sake 19.5kb who came up with that, you couldnt scan a postage stampto look good at that, my avatar is almost that big.
Whats the deal, RHIP or what?
Just have been to the User CP; it says in the signature part ot the CP the picture is to be no larger then 500x100. Tried to save a 450x190, but it cant be saved.What are you talking about? The rules are the same for everyone.
600x200 is the size that we allow. There are probably some people here with a bit larger than 600x200. We mods usually tell them to make it smaller, sometime we let it stay if it is not to distracting.
Just upload your pic as a normal picture, copy and past the address into your signature editor and it will show as your signature.
Edit: I see now that Gnomey has got your squared you away.
And if you look you will see it isn't hosted here on the forum...
Nobody use the upload signature box on the edit signature section because it doesn't work even if the size is right. What people do is go here: Signature/General Pics Upload - Aircraft of World War II - Warbird Forums
and upload their sig as an attachment here:
And then follow these steps to get it work: