Sikshoota's 'Mockpit'

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Apr 21, 2011
Hello All

In my intro yesterday, I mentioned I'd post some shots of my older F4U Corsair Mockpit currrently in use as my pc work station gaming machine. I also mentioned my latest project which is based on another popular WWII 'Warbird', the Focke Wulf model FW 190 A variant.

The old corsair was fun to create use but like all things we make into long term pastimes, we long to improve on our earlier ventures.

I've chosen the FW 190 as it has always held a special spot in my deep interests of WWII Warbirds. Adding to that is that many see the FW series as having one of the more ergonomic appealing cockpit layouts.

Anyway, on with the show...

Cheers n Beers

The old 'War Weary' F4U...

And here's the Plan Display for my latest Mockpit, the FW 190 A...

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They look any more piccies of your builds ?.

And dont forget to keep us upto date on the 190 !
Hello All
Thx for the encouraging comments

Are you planing to do a full control panel on that one?

Hello Tbolt, yes I am planning on a working inst panel system ...just need to source some appropriate type gauges associated electronic equipment.

And dont forget to keep us upto date on the 190 !

Hello Geedee, updates on the 190 will certainly be posted. Plans only atm but construction will get underway asap ...then there'll be a few more progressive build shots.

Thx again

Here's some more random pics...

Not exactly Chance Vaughts factory, but I did my best at the time...

A couple of weeks later...

then a few months...

With this hardware destined for the FW 190 Mockpit...


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