Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial Updated: A Canadian soldier standing guard

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Cpl. Cirillo a true hero: All gave some and some gave all. Thank God the WBC is not in Canada
Kevin Vickers another Hero or as George Orwell put it: People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf.
Good Guys with guns stop bad guys with guns
Rough men ... sleeping peacefully.


Cpl Cirillo's regimental march is "The Campbells Are Coming" .... hearing that played on the Peace Tower carillon bells on Thursday morning was very remarkable ... such a child-like melody but with a never-before appreciated message to those who would test us ..... we are coming for you.

Rough men men doing rough work indeed.
We should also recall the terror attack against 2 Canadian solders just a few days prior to these events who were run down in a parking lot in Montreal. Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent was murdered in cold blood by a man similar to the Ottawa terrorist. Both had converted to Islam and had embraced a radical form of the religion. The Ottawa shooter had been trying to secure a Canadian passport, as he told some of those he knew, to go to Syria. Having become radicalized it was assumed he was going to join ISIS.

Cpl. Cirillo
W/O Vincent
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where do these maniacs come from. I would not kill them. thats what they want, a martyrs death. This occasion, it had to be done, but if its possible, Id take em alive, and deny them that martyrdom they seek. Make them eat pig for the rest of their miserable days
It would seem that these scum are everywhere. One of them attacked to NY police officers with a hatchet yesterday. Thankfully, they should recover even though one is in critical condition. The vermin was killed by another officer. Grind him up and mix the remains with pig poo.
Just to let you guys know, the sh!tbag Bibeau that murdered Cpl. Crillo was not a "convert", he was raised in a muslim home, went to a mosque regularly and his father (Bulgasem Zehaf) fought in Libya in 2011...

The A-hole Rouleau, that ran over and killed W/O Vincent, was a recent convert.
It seems the religion of peas is attracting every psychopath in the world purely because it justifies killing. It is metamorphosing into a death cult.

Condolences to those who are bereaved.

The surprising thing is that in war many of the greatest warriors are not "rough men". Most of the BoB aces and even the non aces were jovial guys and excellent company, same with the USAF aces, they were jovial convivial men with a talent for flying and a will to do their bit. Kevin Vickers doesnt look like a rough man he doesnt talk like a rough man but when the time came he did what had to be done. As a teenager I drank in a bar run by an ex BC rear gunner, I dont think anyone would doubt the courage of a Bomber Command rear gunner but you couldn't meet a nicer old man, nothing rough at all except that he would kill for his country if asked, then return to normal life as if nothing had happened, a true worrior.

The nutters have so far threatened to "unleash a reign of terror" on London, excuse me while I laugh, they dont have the will the means the intelligence or the technology that the LW had in 1940 and that wasnt even close. London has been under "terrorist attack" since the time of Guido Fawkes in the 1600s, they havnt made much impression. This crap is just another cross to bear, we will see our way through it.
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The surprising thing is that in war many of the greatest warriors are not "rough men".
I agree, the majority of the guys I grew up around always seemed like really nice people. To someone outside of the "circle" would never guess these were combat hardened veterans.

Case in point, a very close friend of the family of ours was always laughing and joking. And typically had a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He wore an old western style straw hat and had thick, black framed glasses that gave him the appearance of a country farmer more than anything. In actuality, he was a former U.S. Marine that served in the Pacific, was involved in most of the savage landings, having 6 AMTRAKs shot out from under him. Highly decorated for many things, including brutal hand-to-hand combat with the enemy on several occasions, sometimes armed with only a shovel or a helmet.
That is the first time I have watched the tribute to Kevin Vickers. Very dignified and appropriate.
It's a tragic way to be reminded how tough and worthy of respect the Canadian nation is.
I agree, the majority of the guys I grew up around always seemed like really nice people. To someone outside of the "circle" would never guess these were combat hardened veterans.

I have a ring bearing the Hohenzollern cross which was given to me by my wifes great grandfather, a WW1 veteran. He took it from a German soldier he killed with a bayonet sometime in 1915. 'Dada' was a tall man but he said the German he fought towered over him, I can believe that because the ring is too large to fit even on my thumb.
After the war 'Dada' came home, overcame his wounds and raised a wonderful family. A modest and gentle man who everyone liked and respected, with not a shred of hatred in his heart.
How you can switch on and then switch off that warrior instinct amazes me. My dad was the same.
"...many of the greatest warriors are not "rough men"..."

Point made and I quite agree .... however the quote is attributed to George Orwell and he was making a profound political point (based on his personal experience) and the point is that most in a peaceful democracy prefer not to contemplate the measures that are taken on their behalf to preserve their liberty and security .... often rough measures.

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