Some advice please...

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Senior Master Sergeant
Dec 5, 2008
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I don't know Gary - if a man has a 100 year old bottle of wine does he want to just look at it, or know what it tastes like?
Your call, but Daniel (109 roaming) mentioned how an Airfix Hampden kit, which I bought for $12 about 20 years ago, can now fetch upto $150 on the net...could be worth either selling them as they are or hanging onto them for the investment, as Trackend said...

It's up to you only what you will do with them.You can try to find these models and have a look at their current prices and then make a decission of selling them or not.I'm surre there will be found somebody who can buy them.Or if you want to make them but the lack of experience is the main problem, you can buy two cheap kits ( can be of the same bombers) and assemble them for training.Then if you find willing you can start these old models.
The choice is really yours.
Difficult one Gary. As the others have said, it's up to you but, if it's any help ref the build of these, here's what I know about these kits.
They were both originally issued not long after the 'V' Force came into service, and puported to be B1 versions. However, as far as I know, they are actually based on the prototypes and, if memory serves me, were an 'odd' scale for aircraft model kits, something like 1/87th. They were re-issued a few years later, hence the camouglage scheme on the box art for the Vulcan, unlike the first issue, which would have been 'anti-flash' white. I've heard differing tales about the 'accuracy' of these kits; some say they are 'reasonable representations', whilst others say they are very inaccurate!
As to value, I'm GUESSING they could be worth a bit. You could try contacting 'King Kit', at Shifnal, to see if he can give you a price. This is a firm that specialises in kit collections, out of production and rare kits etc. My guess is he'd snatch your hand off, and you can bet that whatever is offered will have at least a 25% mark up when adverised for sale. That's not to say he's a shark or whatever, he's NOT, and does some good deals, but the prices, as always in these cases, are governed by the market.
Hope this helps.
No problem mate.:D
Try to get another kit which can be much easier to assemble.

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