Spitfire XII

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There was one, I think by Classic Airframes, but not sure. Airfix have announced a 1/48th scale version as a future release, later this year I believe. It's on my list!
Thank's Airframes.
I've got one in 72, no idea who is the maker, but it is "limited edition" kit for advanced modelers and that's not me. However it is an interesting spit, I think transition between Mk.9 and 14. Kit has markings for three birds. Well, I'll do my best, but it will be a long build since everything has to be sculpted.
You're welcome. The MkXII was the first Griffon engined Spit, the intermediate 'stop gap' before the first true Griffon design, the MkXIV. The MkXII served with only two RAF Squadrons.
Yes, it wasn't built in numbers. I have markings for 41 and 91 RAF squadrons (actually for 4 ships) andfor one from Intensive Flying Development Flight (?). Is this right ?

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