Star Wars the last jedi

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The broomhandle more ww1.
Solo was a bust for Disney. Lost loadsa money. They saying it's 'Star Wars fatigue'
Not that fans stayed away in droves or that the messy production was to blame.
Any franchise that abuses the fans gets its reward.
A shame since a good stand alone film about Boba Fett or Obi Wan would be a killer. Still not watched the film but certainly will get there eventually.
Episode 9 will be a test of feeling. I think Disney need more laser swords.
A bit of the low sales with Solo is its release time. Within a month or so either side of it there was Black Panther, Avengers Infinity War and Deadpool, all three of which were box office gold and collectively spanked everything else released in the first half of 2018. Regardless of the 'universes' each of the films is from, most Star Wars fans will go to MCU films and whatever Deadpool is from (MCU too? I dunno), so too many mega blockbusters released at the same time - blockbuster fatigue? Star Wars films usually come out in December, so Solo was misplaced in that respect. I still haven't seen it, so can't hazard a guess as to whether or not it might have been a success had it been released in December.
Not surprised, Graeme, George used a great deal of WWII inspired items throughout.

Interesting Dave.
Saw this one also, which reminded of a Star Wars movie - forget the episode, but the one with a young Darth Vader(?) skimming canyons in an air racer.
Although this one looks more like a super-duper floor polisher...

To my knowledge the guns would have been basic props and far easier to take an existing gun and add gizmos to it than make a new laser gun based on time and budget.
I kinda agree with the timing but Star Wars is the biggest of the franchises and so should have been number 1 regardless.
From my point of view Episode 9 should be a lock but even the optimistic are being pessimistic
When Lucas shot Ep. IV, he was on a shoe-string budget and England in the 1970's still had stockpiles of WWII material readily available.

So weapons like the Sterling L2A were abundant and easily modified.
The scope seen on the E-11 blaster rifle (stormtrooper's main arm) and the DL-44 (early version) was an M-19 telescope sight from several types of U.S. tanks, mainly the M4 Sherman.
The muzzle brake on the later DL-44 blaster was taken from an MG42.
The Lewis was modified by omitting the drum and modifying the water jacket.
Boba Fett's gun is a modified Webly & Scott 37mm grenade/flare launcher.
The Rebellion's A295 rifle is a modified MG44.

There's a great deal more, of course.

It's actually quite a bit of fun to look over the prop weapons and seeing if what surplus bits were used.

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