Benevolens Magister
Instead of in 'workbench, it's now here! To stop Lucky moaning, here's some very quick snaps of old 1/32 scale models, which need minor repair/cleaning.
Typhoon conversion from Revell, SpitIX conversion from Hasegawa, and the old Matchbox 109E. All brush-painted with hand-painted codes. Canopy moulded on Typhoon, scratch-built, 33 piece canopy on 109. Marauder is the nearly finished 1/48th Revell/Monogram for the diorama guide. All under artificial light, no filter, hence colour cast.
Typhoon conversion from Revell, SpitIX conversion from Hasegawa, and the old Matchbox 109E. All brush-painted with hand-painted codes. Canopy moulded on Typhoon, scratch-built, 33 piece canopy on 109. Marauder is the nearly finished 1/48th Revell/Monogram for the diorama guide. All under artificial light, no filter, hence colour cast.